iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max could finally bring fast charging to Apple users. Apple is scheduled to launch the upgraded iPhone 14 series early next month on September 7. The iPhone 14 series is set to bring four variants this year as well, with a redesigned iPhone 14 Max variant replacing the ‘mini-series. However, despite the multiple changes expected to come with the upcoming iPhones, reports of the iPhone Pro-only feature indicate that iPhone users can finally get a fast charge.
The iPhone series has been limited to charging speeds of 20W, which may also be linked to Apple’s decision not to use USB-C ports. The charging speed of iPhones has remained unchanged at just 20W despite supporting wireless charging and MagSafe in recent years. Users of iOS can greatly benefit from bouncing up to 30W.
An upcoming iPhone 14 Pro variant could be equipped with 30W fast charging, according to a report by Twitter user, Duanruy first spotted by Gizmochina. Android phones today support charging up to 150W fast, ranging from 33W to 30W.
According to the report, the iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max’s 30W charging can reduce to 27W or 25W at later stages. Currently, this information is based on a leak, so please be careful when considering it.
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